Founded in 2021

Good News (Letter) was founded in 2021 to share stories on Sustainability.

Founded in 2021 by Tech Entrepreneur and Fashion & Beauty Journalist Jamila Robertson, Good News (Letter) was created to share stories on advances in sustainability from across the globe.

GNL aims to inspire sustainability in us all.

From our diets and diaper choices, to how we can eat and shop more responsibly - we look at sustainability in beauty, fashion and lifestyle; farming and food; packaging; and everything in between.

We’re not perfect or pious, we’re on this journey too, but we think the best way to make a change is to share information and solutions so we can all be as sustainable as possible and do all we can to protect our planet - whilst staying stylish and not sacrificing life’s luxuries in the process.

We share Good News stories from across the globe every Tuesday, so make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter.

We hope you enjoy our Good News.